Jan 30
It's really, really cold outside.
Really, really cold.
It was -44 degrees Celsius when we walked to work this morning.
I need a warmer hat.
I bought some wool from Erin on Saturday. One hundred grams of beautiful snowy white South African wool (which falls somewhere between Merino and Blue Faced Leicester on the fine wool scale).

I've been wanting to try oven dyeing so last night I got it all wet and put it in a casserole dish (that will never, ever be used for food) and poured blue and yellow and green dye over it and stuck it in the oven for half an hour.

After cooling off and rinsing and drying over night it looked like this:

It makes me think of spring - sky blues, cloud whites, daffodil yellows, leaf greens and a bit of earthy green-brown. The colours are much more apparent as I am spinning and I enjoy every one of them.

I'm spinning lumpy-bumpy style. Partly because I'm still getting used to the wheel and drafting and partly because I want a nice squashy warm hat. It works out well.

I'm half way done the spinning now. My yarn is hanging up to dry as I type. Thirty-eight metres of squashy hat wool.