Jul 27
We took Maisie out sailing with my Dad (well, motoring, but it was on a sailboat) for the first time last night. It was really smoky when we got down to the wharf but we decided to go out anyway. It cleared up a bit while we were on the water so we were still able to see some of the float planes and houses around the bay. Maisie was really excited about her life jacket for the first few minutes, then she realized it had to stay on and there was a bit of noisy frustration. Fortunately we'd brought some snacks with us. A drink of water and a bunch of animal crackers later (accompanied by matching animal noises) we had a happy girl who was interested in climbing around the cockpit of the boat and looking at the compass and winches. While we were out we saw a water skier (fall in the water a lot), a couple of float planes, another sailboat (with sails up and everything), two helicopters (presumably monitoring the forest fires) and lots of seagulls. I'm looking forward to going out again sometime when it's less smoky so we can see more. I think Maisie would enjoy seeing the sails too.
p.s. Maisie's hat-for-adventures was made from this pattern. I wanted to have something she couldn't pull off and drop in the water. It came together really quickly and looks super cute. We found the visor was a bit deep though so we folded it back.