May 15

In a Peanut Shell
In a Peanut Shell
In a Peanut Shell
In a Peanut Shell
May 15
May 14
I'm finally finished Step Two of the quilt top I started almost three years ago . The pieces look so satisfying all piled up and ready for whatever comes next. Actually I think these get to sit out for the next step (sewing corners onto bright orange and dark blue squares) but they'll be needed for Step Four when things really start to come together. I think I'll move this project a little higher up on the priority scale. It's getting to the point where I can see what some things will look like and that always helps me speed things up.
Ha ha - I just looked up one of my old entries for a link in this post and noticed that I'd had some delusional goal of getting the whole top finished for last June's Quilters' Guild meeting!
May 11