May 30
Is it really Sunday night already? I feel like there is still so much stuff I want to do before going back to work tomorrow. I'm still behind in my 10 Dresses project (and a little unsure I'll manage to catch up) but my sewing room is not nearly as tempting as the garden right now.
It is so much fun to be outside in the sun putting in plants and turning soil. I bought some compost to add to my garden beds. It smelled deliciously earthy as I worked it in. I've got my own compost pile started but it will be a while before I can use it. Tomatoes were planted in my big yellow half barrels: four Red Alerts and there will be four Tomato berries to follow in a couple of days. Three squash plants were ready for the garden too. The beds look so much better with something green in them. I looked carefully around where I buried the seed potatoes and saw the first hints of green. Hopefully it's not a weed.
Peas and beans are in the ground now. The beans are Purple Queen - a pretty bush variety I grew last year. I've got some Scarlet Runner beans to plant yet but they will go out in front of the house to decorate our front porch while they bloom. Speaking of blooming - my ground cherries are starting to make the sweetest little flowers: tiny white trumpets with purple strokes from the centre. They're so pretty but I think my neighbour wondered what I was doing when I got right down on the deck to try and photograph one - the plants aren't very tall yet and the flowers face down.
I didn't bring Abby outside with me but I still had some company. This little guy evidently decided I was quite safe and let me get to within about a metre of him to take my pictures. He wasn't too impressed when I turned on the hose though.