May 29
Maisie has mastered a new skill: cutting. She finds so much joy in cutting prices of yarn with this little pair of scissors. It’s a skill I’ve been both looking forward too and dreading. Cutting is so permanent. I still remember the day my sister learned to use a pair of scissors. Maisie has been doing really well. So far only designated string and yarn has been cut. Just about the same time this happened I was looking for something Maisie and I could do in the yard as the snow was melting and the birds were showing up when the perfect project popped up. Birds need all kind of nesting materials when they first arrive in the spring and we can help make things readily available. We picked up a suet feeder from Canadian Tire and filled it with bits of wool and linen yarn, wool fleece, and bits of raffia. There's almost certainly some of Abby's hair in there too. It’s hanging in the crabapple tree right outside the living room window. I haven’t seen any birds at it but the contents have moved around a bit so I’m hopeful that there is a nest or two in our neighbourhood sporting a bit of colourful coziness.