Oct 25
I wore that little red sweater*. I can remember a picture of me in it in my mum's scrapbook. Maisie likes the bears on both the pockets and the buttons. I've realized that the key to getting her to wearing any sort of sweater is to have interesting buttons. Cats, bears, flowers … all are welcomed, named and hunted for in the dresser.
Maisie is very concerned with putting things where (she feels) they belong. She likes to tidy up her lego before lunch, put random bits of paper in the kitchen garbage, remind me to do up the cupboard locks, and give various dog and cat toys to Abby, Ollie and Fred. While I was snapping these pictures of her in the red bear sweater, Maisie was distributing blocks. She built some towers and put away and took out the block a few times. Then she carefully gave one to Fred, one to Ollie, and one to me. I thought she was done but a last block was taken out of the basket and run all the way to the other end of the house and handed to Rob where he was sitting at his desk.
*I also wore the blue scarf Maisie is sporting in my last post. I think both the scarf and the sweater were knitted by my grandmother but I should check with my mum.