Sep 28
September's Dress In ProgressPosted by Peanut in Sewing , 10 dresses |
September's dress is underway. I realized on Friday that September was going to end in the middle of this week - for some reason I thought I had another weekend - and I needed to get working. I don't know why I didn't do my pattern fitting while I was waiting for my fabric to arrive but that is what I ended up spending Friday night and Saturday doing.
I was so anxious to start cutting out my dress that is actually something of a personal achievement to say I mocked up the bodice first but I really had to. The pattern is for a bust size 2 1/2 inches smaller than mine. My planned alteration was to add an inch to the centre front and back and half an inch to each side (which I'm just now realizing adds up to three inches - so much for my math skills). I copied out the pattern pieces as they were and then marked the additions on the front and back bodice pieces before cutting them out.
My alteration worked! My bodice fits and I think looks nice even out of my cheap mock-up fabric. I love the little gathers on the neckline.
Now I've got my whole dress cut out, my lace chosen, my thread picked out and my pin cushion standing by ... and I completely forgot to go into my sewing room last nigh (arg!). That leaves me with tonight, part of Wednesday evening and Thursday to get my dress done. Hopefully we'll get some sunshine on the weekend and I'll manage to get some nice pictures of it all finished.