Jan 20
This is a lovely recipe that I frequently think of but seldom make. It requires a bit of planning because it starts off the night before with some cold tea. I don't usually remember it until the morning when I am making a fresh pot of tea and think "If only I'd saved the old tea last night…". For once I thought of it in time and instead of pouring a pot of cold tea down the sink I poured some into a measuring cup and mixed it up with sugar and raisins and peel and set it aside for Saturday morning. Maisie got up with me instead of sleeping in a bit and was very curious about the bowl of stuff we'd left out last night. She kept asking to see it. She enjoyed watching me beat and add an egg and then some flour and asked me to turn on the light when I put the loaf pan in the oven. I have to remember to set the oven a little cooler with my loaf pans. They are dark and I find things come out of the oven a little overcooked around the edges. I did my best to wait until the loaf was cool before cutting into it - it just falls to bits if you don't - but got impatient while it was still a bit warm. It's delicious and the citrus peel adds a nice bitter bite. Maisie liked it too but referred to it as "puzzle bread", presumably because she had to pick apart each piece to get out all the fruit.
Barm Brack
from Company's Coming Muffins and More, also appears in Company's Coming Millennium Edition.
In a large bowl combine:
1 C cold tea
1 C raisins
½ C mixed peel
½ C currants
1 C sugar
Cover and let stand over night. The next morning beat well and add:
1 egg
along with:
¼ C melted butter or margarine
In a small bowl combine:
2 C flour
1 tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. baking soda
¼ tsp. salt
Add dry ingredients to fruit mixture. Stir until well blended. Spoon into a greased loaf pan. Bake at 350F (175C) for 60 - 70 minutes. Let stand for 10 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool. Serve sliced with butter.