Nov 11
My sewing room is an especially colourful place right now. I’m getting ready to participate in one of the fall craft fairs. I had a table last year and found it a really fun and interesting experience. I liked seeing what everyone else had and talking to the people who stopped at my booth. I was right inside the door so I got to see almost everybody who came in. It was also a lot of hard work to prepare for and this year I got started a little earlier and very gratefully accepted my Mum’s offer to help out with some of the more mundane tasks like cutting shapes and trimming corners. I’m selling things for babies and mums: bibs, rattles, (my favourite) nursing pads and buntings. Most things are along a rainbow theme. I just think rainbows and babies go so well together. Rainbows are so bright and cheerful and still pretty gender neutral. I’ve a little list of additional things I might add if I have enough time but I’m not gong to stress myself out over them.